​What language will be on the November 5 ballot?
The exact text of the bond measure that voters will see is:​
Shall the Board of Directors of the West Marshall Community School District in the Counties of Marshall and Story, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $14,000,000 to be used together with proceeds of School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds to provide funds to build, furnish, and equip a K-5 addition to the elementary school, with related site improvements, including demolition of the existing three-story 4-5 grade building, and site improvements, including a parent drop off and parking area; and to build, furnish and equip an addition connecting the middle school to the high school, including Career Technical Education classrooms, with related remodeling and improvements and related site improvements?
MORE: See a sample ballot
How much revenue would an approved bond vote provide?
An approved bond on November 5, 2024, would provide up to $14 million to use in conjunction with revenue that West Marshall CSD receives from the statewide one-cent sales tax fund, known as Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE).
​How many years are needed to pay off the general obligation bonds?
The repayment period will be determined by the School Board during bond sales. Although general obligation bonds typically have a term of around 20 years, this can vary. There are also options to structure the bonds to allow for refinancing to better rates or early payoff.​
Why should West Marshall CSD move forward with these projects now?
By acting now, the district will have the financial means to address many of our facility needs and put ourselves in position to better educate future generations of students. By delaying these projects, we run the likely risk of facing higher costs in the future due to factors like inflation, rising material and labor costs, and higher interest rates, among others.
What is the approval needed for the bond referendum to pass?
The bond referendum requires a supermajority to pass, meaning it must receive at least 60% +1 of the vote.​​​​​
What do you anticipate the effect on the district's tax levy will be to accommodate this bond?
The anticipated increase in the district’s tax levy would be $1.90 per $1,000 of taxable valuation. This would mean that a family owning a $150,000 house would pay an extra $122.86 per year. More information can be found in the Tax Impact section.
How does the district's levy rate compare to others?
West Marshall CSD's overall levy rate for the current fiscal year is one of the lowest in the area, at $11.52 per $1,000 of assessed property value. This figure ranks below Baxter ($18.69), Collins-Maxwell ($16.57) Marshalltown ($14.75), Roland-Story ($14.11), Colo-NESCO ($13.80), and Nevada ($13.57). You can find additional information in the Tax Impact section.
What are West Marshall's enrollment trends?
Our certified enrollment has declined by 11.7% in the past 20 years. During the 2003-04 school year, enrollment stood at 858 students. That figure fell to 757 students a year ago.
The number of students who open enroll into West Marshall CSD, however, has grown from 41 in 2003-04 to 168 in 2023-24.
When is election day?
The election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. More information is available in the How to Vote section.
How do I register to vote?
Eligible voters must complete a voter registration form and return it to your County Auditor’s Office before election day.
Do I need an ID to vote?
Yes. A valid ID is necessary in order to cast a ballot.
Who can vote on the bond referendum?
Anyone who lives within the West Marshall Community School District's boundaries and is 18 years of age or older may cast a ballot on November 5. Anyone who is not registered to vote can do so the same day at the polling place by providing proof of age and residence. More information is available in the How to Vote section.